July 11th,T.A.W's Bob McCarthy conducted another interview with a "Icon of Announcing" in the Pro Wrestling
business,the one and only,Bill Mercer. Here is that interview. Total Access Wrestling and T.A.W's World Class Tribute site
would like to thank Bill for his time and effort on this website.
1.What are your thoughts on the "Heroes of Wrestling" documentry?
BM:I thought it was professionally excellent. The amount of research and content was awesome. I though Brian captured
the emotions, the personalities and the tragedies and it was beautifully presented. I had a couple of friends view it and
think it is to use an overworked word, Great. I do too.
2.Let's play the name game. I give you a name and you
tell me what you think?
Lance Von Erich:Handsome young man...used by Fritz in a roll that didn't work. He was at the time an average wrestler.
I hope he went into some other business.
Gino Hernandez:A remarkable personality...with many demons haunting him. Most especially drugs. In the ring and in interviews
he was a spectacular personality. Like Chris Adams it was a sad short life.
Chris Adams:I met Chris when he first arrived and I was impressed with his gentility, his spirit (his accent!) and then
when I saw him in the ring I was taken with his ability. He was exciting...a fine athlete and a top competitor. Another person
done in by drink and drugs. Sad.
David Manning:David had the tough job of pleasing Fritz. He was a fine performer, very athletic and articulate. His part
in the Documentary was superb.
Bruiser Brody:Dear Bruiser...fantastic guy. He got mad at me once for going away from the rehearsed questions! But he
was a good fellow. His ring appearances were fiery. I know one time he beat a young wrestler badly who was trying to show
him up. Another sad ending.
2.After WCCW closed did you have any interest to continue broadcasting in the wrestling business?
BM:One word: NO!
3.WCCW was the land of many crazy wrestlers such as Bruiser Brody,Buzz Sawyer,The Freebirds and so on. Who was the craziest
wrestler you ever met?
BM:Wild Bull Curry,The Brute and Gordy of the Freebirds. There are others but those come to mind.
4.WCCW had its downfall in the era of kayfabe. People stopped attending shows because soon there favorite Von Erich boys
were dying. At that time,what did people in Texas think was happening that made them stop
BM:World Class was the von Erichs. Especially David, who was the charismatic one. After that we noticed the fire had gone
out of the program...and as the boys died so went the show. Fritz also was tormented with the suicides and didn't have the
desire to continue. Then it became almost impossible to bring in top talent.
6.And lastly,what do you consider the greatest moment of your career?
BM:When World Class was seen in just about every country in the world, I was recognized by foreign students on campus...and
that Fourth Most Popular TV peresonality in Israel. As they say...COOL. The Ice Bowl Championship game Dallas and Green Bay
was my defining moment in football. Being the first announcer and with Don Drysdale of the Texas Rangers the other.
Thank you,Bill for your time.
You are welcome. Bill